Considering its pig-like nose, coloration, and tendency to fly into a rage if eye contact is made, Primeape has much […]

Growlithe is most likely based on Japanese dog statues called 獅子 shisa. They may also originate from Chinese 獅 shī […]

Poliwag is based on a tadpole. The spiral pattern on its belly is supposed to represent how the intestines of […]

Arcanine is based on the Ryukyuan シーサー shisa, or 狛犬 komainu, mythical creatures inspired by lions, tigers, and dogs. Statues […]

Considering its pig-like nose, long tail, and overall personality, Mankey has much in common with baboons. Mankey may be a […]

Golduck’s appearance has aspects of a duck, platypus, and kappa. Golduck may be a combination of gold and duck. While […]

Psyduck’s design appears to draw inspiration from both ducks and platypuses. Psyduck is a combination of psychic (referring to its […]

Its appearance is arguably more similar to Siamese cats than Persian cats, and its species in Japanese is シャムネコ or […]

Dugtrio appears to be very similar to the artificial moles used in the Whac-A-Mole arcade games. Alolan Dugtrio’s hair may […]

Diglett appears to be very similar to the artificial moles used in Whac-A-Mole arcade games, as referenced by its full […]

Meowth seems to be based upon the Japanese legend of the 招き猫 Maneki Neko, also known as the lucky cat […]

Venomoth’s ability to poison its enemies and its type combination suggests that it may have been based on a moth […]

In spite of Venonat’s name it is not similar to a gnat in size, physiology or behavior, other than on […]

The fungus on Paras is identified as tochukaso, an endoparasitoid that replaces the host tissue and can affect the behavior […]

The fungus on Parasect is identified as tochukaso, an endoparasitoid that replaces the host tissue and can affect the behavior […]