Eevee shares traits with foxes, more specifically the fennec fox, dogs and cats. Eevee and Eievui are the pronunciations of […]

It seems to be based on a species of goldfish known as Azuma Nishiki (東錦), bearing a similar coloration to […]

Goldeen is based on a goldfish. Its horn may be based on Matsya, an avatar that the Hindu god Vishnu […]

Seadra is based on a seahorse, though its ability to shoot ink resembles that of a squid. Its category might […]

Kangaskhan is based on a kangaroo with elements of Mongolian Laminar armour, evident in its helmet-like plate with ear flaps […]

Horsea is based on a seahorse, though its ability to shoot ink resembles that of a squid. Its species name […]

Tangela is likely based on Medusa, a gorgon of Greek mythology, who had a head of snakes and turned any […]

Chansey’s tendency to carry eggs in a pouch is much like a monotreme or marsupial, but may also simply be […]

It appears to draw much of its inspiration from a rhinoceros and some aspects of various dinosaurs, such as ceratopsids. […]

Considering its looks, its ability to float, and its tendency to explode, it may have been based upon a floating […]

Its design appears to be inspired by an Indian rhinoceros, with similar plated armor, and an Uintatherium from whom it […]

Considering its looks, its ability to float, and its tendency to explode, it may have been based upon a floating […]

Hitmonchan may be a personification of boxing. The colors of Hitmonchan’s gloves in its normal and Shiny colorations are a […]

It may have been based on any number of lizards with extending tongues, particularly the blue-tongued skink or maybe even […]

Marowak is reptilian in nature and may be based on bipedal dinosaurs. Alolan Marowak’s design may draw inspiration from fire […]