Snivy (Tsutaja)

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Snivy (Tsutaja)

Snivy may be based on a variety of green vine snake species with a pointed snout, including Oxybelis fulgidus, Ahaetulla nasuta, and Ahaetulla prasina. Snivy’s color scheme is similar to its species’ possible namesake, the grass snake. The Pokémon’s combination of snake- and lizard-like features is also similar to that of the Florida sand skink, a lizard that resembles a snake with small, stubby legs. The shape of its head, body, and the protrusions on its shoulders may be based on the bird of paradise or false bird of paradise flowers. Ken Sugimori has said that Snivy, Servine, and Serperior are based on French royalty, specifically mentioning the anime The Rose of Versailles as inspiration.

Snivy is a combination of snake and ivy. It may also involve snide, sly, snark (a snide remark), or snicker (a sly or snide laugh).
Tsutarja may be a combination of ツタ tsuta (Japanese ivy) and 蛇 ja (snake).

No: 495
English Name: Snivy
Japanese Name: Tsutaja
Generation: 5
Type: Grass
Species: Grass Snake Pokémon
Abilities: Overgrow, Contrary (hidden ability)
Evolution: Snivy > Servine > Serperior

Snivy is a bipedal, reptilian Pokémon with a slender build. Most of its body is green with a cream underside. A yellow stripe runs down the length of its back and tail, and it has yellow markings around its large eyes. Two curved yellow structures that resemble leaves or small wings protrude from its shoulders and bend backwards. Its slender arms have three fingers, while its tiny feet have no digits whatsoever. It has a large, palmate leaf with three prongs on the end of its tail. This tail is capable of performing photosynthesis, which allows Snivy to move more quickly. However, the tail will begin to droop when Snivy loses energy. This Pokémon has a calm, collected demeanor.

Pokemon Black: It is very intelligent and calm. Being exposed to lots of sunlight makes its movements swifter.
Pokemon White: They photosynthesize by bathing their tails in sunlight. When they are not feeling well, their tails droop.
Pokemon Black 2: Being exposed to sunlight makes its movements swifter. It uses vines more adeptly than its hands.
pokemon White 2: Being exposed to sunlight makes its movements swifter. It uses vines more adeptly than its hands.
Pokemon X: Being exposed to sunlight makes its movements swifter. It uses vines more adeptly than its hands.
Pokemon Y: They photosynthesize by bathing their tails in sunlight. When they are not feeling well, their tails droop.
Pokemon Omega Ruby: Being exposed to sunlight makes its movements swifter. It uses vines more adeptly than its hands.
Pokemon Alpha Sapphire: They photosynthesize by bathing their tails in sunlight. When they are not feeling well, their tails droop.